God’s Grace Has No Boundaries

God’s Grace Has No Boundaries

Joshua 2:12-13) NLT

“Now swear to me by the Lord that you will be kind to me and my family since I have helped you….let me live, along with my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all their families.” – Joshua 2:12-13) NLT

Jericho’s ancient ruins can be found just seventeen miles northeast of Jerusalem. Jericho was the gateway to Canaan. It was also the home of a prostitute named Rahab, whose house nestled snugly into its thick surrounding walls.

Rahab heard marvellous stories about the exploits of the God of the Israelites, how He dried up the Red Sea, and how He gave them victory in the battle against Sihon and Og, two kings of the Amorites.

Joshua’s two spies to the land of promise soon made their way to Rahab’s house, where she hid them from their enemies. In defence of the two men, she misled the king’s messengers and advised her guests (the spies) how to evade them in the hills.

Because of her fear of the Lord, she confessed her faith in Him and requested that her life and the lives of her family be saved. To this remarkable statement of faith, the men replied: “Our lives for your lives!” Thus sealing the bargain.

Quickly, the two spies handed Rahab a scarlet cord, instructing her to tie it at the window on the side of the house built into the city wall. The invading Israelites would see it and spare everyone inside.

Rahab’s story is a dramatic one. It shows us that God’s grace accepts no boundaries. The red cord that saved Rahab and her family reminds us of the blood of Jesus that still saves us today and of Isaiah’s words, “Though your sins may be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” – Isaiah 1:18.

Rahab put her faith in the God of Israel and was not disappointed. Can we see Rahab as an example of the principle that genuine faith is linked to action? What risks have you been willing to take for your faith?

Read: Exodus 33:17; John 1:16

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 12:8-17; John 9:1-34; Ruth 1; Ruth 2

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